Castle crashers 2 players on one keyboard
Castle crashers 2 players on one keyboard

castle crashers 2 players on one keyboard

As obvious as this is, the enemies will take advantage of this and continuously attack you.

castle crashers 2 players on one keyboard

Castle crashers 2 players on one keyboard full#

It's not rare that casual players, after reaching the last rounds of an arena and believing they have control of the situation, suddenly go from being at full health to being dead in a couple of seconds, because one enemy successfully landed a hit on him, and this gave the opportunity to the rest to surround him from both sides and start rapidly slashing, while the player simply had no time to react. Due to their increased stats, the enemies might turn the direction of a battle in a matter of seconds.They may have increased strength or increased defense, which in some cases may let them withstand a complete charge from a magic splash attack from a player who has maxed his magic stats. They may have extremely increased speed, to the point that they can perfectly mimic your every move, making it very hard trying to find some breathing room to counterattack. Enemies appearing in an arena will behave quite differently from their similar counterparts, which you've fought through the course of a normal stage.Icy Arena - Available after completing the Ice Castle level on Normal Mode or Insane Mode.Peasant Arena - Available after completing the Corn Boss level on Normal Mode or Insane Mode.Volcano Arena - Available after completing the Cyclops' Fortress level on Normal Mode or Insane Mode.

castle crashers 2 players on one keyboard

Thieves' Arena - Available after completing the Abandoned Mill level on Normal Mode or Insane Mode.King's Arena - Available after completing the Home Castle and Castle Keep levels on Normal Mode or Insane Mode.

Castle crashers 2 players on one keyboard